Exhibition Title: Delivery Box (group exhibition)
Date: Sep. 24 - Nov. 22, 2020
Venue: 26 Sun Degree, Chungju, South Korea
Sponsored by Arts Council Korea
New work:
Be My Pen Pal, 2020
4 single-channel video with color and sound, 4min 53sec, 7min, 5min 4sec, 1min 52sec
33 works on paper, mixed media, each 13.5 x 18.5cm
A work-station with various drawing materials to be used by the participants
About the work:
Be My Pen Pal is a relational art that seeks a kind of lost intimacy in the exchange value of an art object. It is Lee's way of responding to the new era where social distancing has become the norm.
The work is made in three parts:
1. Four "making of" videos created by the artist at her studio are released online.
2. Thirty-three individually sealed 'Drawing Cards' are displayed alongside the materials used to make them.
3. Terms of agreement: If the viewer would like to open one of the sealed envelopes to see the Drawing Card, which then is the viewer's to keep, they must agree to make their own 'Reply Drawing Card' on-site with the same materials used by the artist.

Left: Drawing Card by Yujin Lee Right: Reply Drawing Card by an anonymous visitor
Below: Drawing Cards by Yujin Lee