*Please scroll down for English*
이유진 (b. 1986년 대구 출생)
학 력
2025~  연세대학교 커뮤니케이션대학원 문화학(문화매개 전공) 석박사 통합과정 
2015     미국 컬럼비아대학교 예술대학원 시각예술 석사 졸업
2009    미국 코넬대학교 순수미술 학사 졸업
주 요 경 력
2024   나의 집 나의 벗(그룹전/참여 프로그램 협력 기획), 아르코미술관, 서울
2024   비너스와 우주뱀의 집 (개인전), VER Gallery, 태국 방콕
2023   심해 춤판 - 한국과 베트남의 언더그라운드 아트 씬 연구 (연구 교류 프로젝트/공동 기획), 미술관옆집 X 헤리티지 스페이스, 한국 제주도 & 베트남 하노이
2023   이주하는 인간_호모 미그라티오 (그룹전), 제주도립미술관, 제주도
2023   바다를 건너는 부엌: 식구 (2인전), OVERGROUND Fukuoka, 일본 후쿠오카
2022   움직이는 달, 다가서는 땅 (제3회 제주비엔날레/협력 기획), 제주도
2022   How to Love Many in Many Ways (그룹전), Iron Velvet, 미국 뉴욕
2022   (O)Current (그룹전) , UP 바르가스 미술관, 필리핀 마닐라
2021   BeMuse: 맺고 풀고 (협동 전시 및 퍼포먼스), 갤러리도스, 서울
2021   글로벌위크: 시공공감 (그룹전), 문화비축기지, 서울
2021   Plant Time (그룹전), 63 Campus Art Center, 중국 북경
2020   우도9경 프로젝트 (공공미술 프로젝트), 제주도 우도
2020   딜리버리 박스 (그룹전), 26도씨, 청주
2020   Attractions (공공미술 프로젝트), LIV_ID Collective 기획, 태국 방콕
2019   무지개 아래 (개인전), VER Gallery, 태국 방콕
2019   유변의 전통 流變的傅統 (그룹전), 쓰촨미술학원 미술관, 중국 충칭
2018   무명 無名 (개인전), 26도씨, 청주
2017   끝없는 밤 (그룹전), 청주시립미술관 분관 대청호미술관, 청주
2017   레슨 제로 (그룹전), 국립현대미술관, 과천
2017   Draw/Boston (그룹전), Sandra and David Bakalar Gallery, 미국 보스톤
2016   Outside Text (그룹전), 치앙마이대학교 아트센터, 태국 치앙마이
2016   Hallway Hijack (벽화 프로젝트), Brooklyn Rail 기획, 66 Rockwell, 미국 브루클린
2016   Lines of Flight (그룹전), Miriam & Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, 미국 뉴욕
2015   탈아 脫我 (개인전), Gallery DOS, 서울
2015   L'Inconnu Festival (비디오 스크리닝), Reflet Medicis, 프랑스 파리
2015   Commedia: New Prints 2015/Autumn (그룹전), International Print Center, 미국 뉴욕
2015   Repetition and Difference (퍼포먼스), Jewish Museum, 미국 뉴욕
2015   소마 드로잉: 무심 (그룹전), 소마미술관, 서울
2014  The Rules of Law and the Right to be Human (그룹전), Athens' School of Fine Arts Gallery, 그리스 아테네
2014  Now & After: 국제 비디오 아트 페스티벌 (그룹전), State Museum of Gulag, 러시아 모스코바
2013   Aimless (개인전), 복합문화공간 반쥴, 서울
2013   Water Tower Art Fest (그룹전), 불가리아 소피아
2013   Chronos and Kairos (개인전), Morgen Contemporary, 독일 베를린
2012   Redefining Power (퍼포먼스), Salon Populaire, 독일 베를린
2012   Drawing Show I: No Illusion (그룹전), Kreuzberg Pavillon Kassel, 독일 카셀
2012   NordArt (그룹전), Kunstwerk Carlshutte, 독일 뷔델스도르프
2012   Everything is Index, Nothing is History (그룹전), Invisible Dog, 미국 브루클린
2012   진공상태 (개인전), Gallery DOS, 서울
2011   Intersection (그룹전), Freies Museum Projektraum, 독일 베를린
2011   World Peace Festival (그룹전), Freies Museum, 독일 베를린
2011   Fume Emits (그룹전), loop – raum fur aktuelle kunst, 독일 베를린
2011   Benumbed (개인전), Takt Kunstprojektraum, 독일 베를린
레 지 던 시
2024   Void Art Centre, 영국 북아일랜드 런던데리
2024   Blackbird Cultur-Lab, 아일랜드 웩스포드
2022   Art Omi: Artist Residency, 미국 업스테이트 뉴욕
2017   INSIDE-OUT MUSEUM (中间美术馆), 중국 북경
2017   퐁낭아래귤림, 한국 제주도
2011    P:142, 독일 베를린
2010   TAKT Berlin, 독일 베를린​​​​​​​
인 터 뷰 / 기사
2023  팟케스트 Halla Holla Podcast 에피소드 3: To be a Museum's Neighbor
2023  Madalina Telea Bortes, Alumna Yujin Lee '15 and Professor Rirkrit Tiravanija Participate in Jeju Biennale, Columbia University School of the Arts News
2021  Yujin Lee X Prima Jalichandra-Sakuntabhai, Correspondence Archive
2018  팟케스트 Seeing Color 에피소드 5: The Myth of Sisyphus (with Yujin Lee)
2016  Collaborative Cognition: Yujin Lee and Nicole Maloof, ArtFile Magazine
2014  Sara Klkamel, Yujin Lee: Identity in Flux, Arts Culture Beat
2013  Bel Borst, Girl On Fire: When Creativity Burns, Berlin Art Parasites
2012  Allie Haeussiein, Fan Mail: Lee Yujin, Daily Serving
2011  Anna Russ, About Smoke: An Interview with Yujin Lee, Berlin Art Link
예 술 교 육
2024   부산비엔날레 아트 투어, Korea Internation School Jeju, 제주도
2022-23 아트 워크숍, North London Collegiate School Jeju, 제주도
2020   아트 워크숍, Korea-Japan Marine Litter Problem, 부산
2019   아트 워크숍, Ocean-New Messengers 전시 연계 프로그램, 제주현대미술관, 제주도
2019   초청 예술가, Maryland Institute College of Art, 미국 볼티모어
2018   여름특강 강사, School of the Alternative, 미국 블랙 마운틴
2016   동판화 강사, Columbia University, 미국 뉴욕
2016   초청 예술가, The Hotchkiss School, 미국 코네티컷주
2014   동판화 조교, Columbia University, 미국 뉴욕

Still image from the Digital Drawing Conversation

between Yujin Lee and Aracha Cholitgul, Dusadee Huntrakul, Parinot Kunakornwong

Yujin Lee (b. 1986 in Daegu, S. Korea)​​​​​​​
2025~  MA/PhD candidate in Cultural Studies (Cultural Mediation major), Yonsei University Graduate School of Communication & Arts, Seoul (KR)
2015     MFA in Visual Arts, Columbia University, School of the Arts, New York (US)
2009    BFA in Painting, Cornell University, School of Architecture, Art, and Planning, Ithaca, NY (US)
2024    No Place Like Home (group exhibition/public program co-curator), Arko Art Center, Seoul (KR)
2024    The Temple of Venus and Cosmic Serpent (solo exhibition), VER Gallery, Bangkok (TH)
2023   Dancing in the Deep Current - Research into the underground art scene in South Korea and Vietnam (research and exchange project/co-organizer), Next Door to the Museum X Heritage Space, Jeju (KR) & Hanoi (VT)
2023   Migrating Humans_Homo Migratio (group exhibition), Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju (KR) 
2023   Kitchen across the Ocean: SIKGU (2-person exhibition), OVERGROUND Fukuoka, Fukuoka (JP)
2022   Flowing Moon, Embracing Land (3rd Jeju Biennale/co-curator), Jeju (KR)
2022   How to Love Many in Many Ways (group exhibition), Iron Velvet, New York (US)
2022   (O)Current (group exhibition), UP Vargas Museum, Manila (PH)
2021   BeMuse: Wind and Unwind (collaborative exhibition and performance), Gallery DOS, Seoul (KR)
2021   Global Week: Time-Space Resonance (group exhibition), Culturetank, Seoul (KR)
2021   Plant Time (group exhibition), 63 Campus Art Center, Beijing (CN)​​​​​​​
2020   Udo 9th Scenery Project (community project), Udo Island, Jeju (KR)
2020   Delivery Box (group exhibition), Sun Degree 26, Chungju (KR)
2020   Attractions (one-night community project), curated by LIV_ID Collective, Bangkok (TH)
2019   Under the Rainbow (solo exhibition), VER Gallery, Bangkok (TH)
2019   Evolutionary Traditions 流變的傅統 (group exhibition), Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing (CN)
2018   Name.Less 無名 (solo exhibition), Sun Degree 26, Chungju (KR)
2017   Endless Night (group exhibition), Daecheongho Museum of Art, Chungju (KR)
2017   Lesson Zero (group exhibition), National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon (KR)
2017   Draw/Boston (group exhibition), Sandra and David Bakalar Gallery, Boston (US)
2016   Outside Text (group exhibition), Chiang Mai University Art Center, Chiang Mai (TH)
2016   Hallway Hijack (community mural project), curated by Brooklyn Rail, 66 Rockwell, Brooklyn, NY (US)
2016   Lines of Flight (group exhibition), Miriam & Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, New York (US)
2015   Tal-Ah 脫我 (solo exhibition), Gallery DOS, Seoul (KR)
2015   L'lnconnu Festival (video screening), Reflet Medicis, Paris (FR)
2015   Commedia: New Prints 2015/Autumn (group exhibition), International Print Center, New York (US)
2015   Repetition and Difference (one-night performance), Jewish Museum, New York (US)
2015   SOMA Drawing: Mindful Mindless (group exhibition), Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul (KR)
2014   The Rules of Law and the Right to be Human (group exhibition), Athens' School of Fine Arts Gallery, Athens (GR)
2014   NOW & AFTER: International Video Art Festival (group exhibition), State Museum of GULAG, Moscow (RU)
2013   Aimless (solo exhibition), Urban Serendipity Banjul, Seoul (KR)
2013   Water Tower Art Fest (group exhibition), Sofia (BG)
2013   Chronos and Kairos (solo exhibition), Morgen Contemporary, Berlin (DE)
2012   Redefining Power (one-night performance), Salon Populaire, Berlin (DE)
2012   Drawing Show I: No Illusion (one-night group exhibition), Kreuzberg Pavillon Kassel, Kassel (DE)
2012   NordArt (group exhibition), Kunstwerk Carlshutte, Budelsdorf (DE)
2012   Everything is Index, Nothing is History (group exhibition), Invisible Dog, Brooklyn NY (US)
2012   In a Vacuum (solo exhibition), Gallery DOS, Seoul (KR)
2011   Intersection (group exhibition), Freies Museum Projektraum, Berlin (DE)
2011   World Peace Festival (group exhibition), Freies Museum, Berlin (DE)
2011   Fume Emits (group exhibition), loop-raum fur aktuelle kunst, Berlin (DE)
2011   Benumbed (solo exhibition), Takt Kunstprojektraum, Berlin (DE)
2024   Void Art Centre, Londonderry, Northern Ireland (UK)
2024   Blackbird Cultur-Lab, Wexford, Ireland (IE)​​​​​​​
2022   Art Omi: Artist Residency, Ghent, NY (US)
2017   INSIDE-OUT MUSEUM (中间美术馆), Beijing (CN)
2011    P:142, Berlin (DE)
2010   TAKT Berlin (DE)
2023   Halla Holla Podcast Episode 3: To be a Museum's Neighbor
2023   MADALINA TELEA BORTES, Alumna Yujin Lee '15 and Professor Rirkrit Tiravanija Participate in Jeju Biennale, Columbia University School of the Arts News
2021   Yujin Lee X Prima Jalichandra-Sakuntabhai, Correspondence Archive
2018   ZHIWAN CHEUNG, Seeing Color Podcast Episode 5: The Myth of Sisyphus (w/ Yujin Lee)
2016   Collaborative Cognition: Yujin Lee and Nicole Maloof, ArtFile Magazine
2014   SARA KLKAMEL, Yujin Lee: Identity in Flux, Arts Culture Beat
2013   BEL BORST, Girl On Fire: When Creativity Burns, Berlin Art Parasites
2012   ALLIE HAEUSSIEIN, Fan Mail: Lee Yujin, Daily Serving
2011   ANNA RUSS, About Smoke: An Interview with Yujin Lee, Berlin Art Link
2024   Busan Biennale Guide, Korea International School, Jeju (KR)
2022-23 Arts Week Instructor, North London Collegiate School, Jeju (KR)
2020   Art workshop Instructor, Korea-Japan Marine Litter Problem, Busan (KR)
2019   Art workshop instructor, Ocean-New Messengers exhibition, Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art (KR)
2019   Visiting Artist, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore (US)
2018   Summer school, Faculty, School of the Alternative, Black Mountain (US)
2016   Intro Intaglio, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University, New York (US)
2016   Visiting Artist, The Hotchkiss School, Lakeville (US)
2014   Intro Intaglio, Teaching Assistant, Columbia University, New York (US)
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