Island ESC
Island ESC, 2021
Two-channel video with color (no audio), 6 minutes 14 seconds
English, Korean, and Chinese text
Filmed and edited by Yujin Lee and Aracha Cholitgul
Island ESC is a two-channel essay video created in collaboration between Aracha Cholitgul and Yujin Lee. The still and moving images that appear in the video are taken by the two artists from Koh Phangan, Thailand and Jeju Island, South Korea. The video documentation of the two black and white "Digital Drawing Conversation" are created in collaboration by the two artists.
<Island ESC>는 2채널 무음 영상으로 아라차 초릿굴과 이유진의 협동 작품이다. 이 작품은 태국 남쪽 섬 코파낭과 한국의 제주도에서 두 작가가 직접 촬영한 사진과 영상, 디지털 플랫폼을 활용해 함께 그림을 그린 <디지털 드로잉談> 흑백 기록 영상, 그리고 '섬'에 대한 생각을 담은 텍스트가 함께 얽히고 설켜 있는 콜라주 영상 작업이다.
Island is an escape.
Escape is an invasion.
Invaders are us.
Island is nature.
Nature fills a void.
The void fills us.
Island is another life.
Life is commitment.
Commitment laughs at us.
Island is full of irony.
섬은 곧 탈출
탈출은 곧 침략
침략자는 곧 우리
탈출은 곧 침략
침략자는 곧 우리
섬은 곧 자연
자연은 공허함 채우고
공허함은 우리를 채우고
자연은 공허함 채우고
공허함은 우리를 채우고
섬은 곧 또 다른 삶
삶은 곧 헌신
헌신은 우리를 비웃고
삶은 곧 헌신
헌신은 우리를 비웃고
아이러니로 가득 찬 섬
Aracha Cholitgul (b.1988) lives and works in Bangkok, Thailand. Using different mediums, she has been writing, drawing, painting, and telling stories about obscure feelings. Cholitgul explores human emotions through personal stories. She is especially interested in the idea of blurriness and uncertainty because of the high myopia she had experienced since childhood. Cholitgul not only likes to analyze what happens in the mental sphere, but also enjoys touching things with the hand. In her work one always comes across some traces of physical touch or a sense of intimacy.

Drawing Conversation between Yujin Lee and Aracha Cholitgul, Aug. 23, 2021
Jeju Island, South Korea & Koh Phangan, Thailand